It has been a long time, since the last Copenhagen Fashion Week took place. But luckily, there is one more event for fashion enthusiasts in November - Laugenes Opvisning.

Laugenes Opvisning is an annual presentation of Danish contemporary fashion, unique jewellery, and trendy hairstyles held under the auspices of Her Royal Highness Princess Benedikte of Denmark, a sister of the Danish Queen.

[The Princess is the lady in grey.]
Actually, I am not a fashionst and have never been to a fashion show before. Of course, I love to put on chick and smart clothes. But I take it much easier, since I moved to Denmark, started to bike daily and to wear windproof and waterproof outfits. The main reason, why I went there, was my German friend Clarissa (and the princess).

[Clarissa with her model.]
Clarissa aka Frau Schwarz is a hairdresser. An amazing one! She studied a hairdresser school in Germany, had worked in a hairdressing saloon for a few years, moved to Denmark, and now is in the final year of a hairdresser school in Copenhagen. And it was her new school that challenged her to create a stunning hairstyle for the show.

[Clarissa's hair design on the stage.]
The fashion show itself was nice. Beautiful models, elegant dresses, tempting music... My favourite items are folded 'origami' dresses,

the green hat,

and the ultralong necklaces. I'm going to write them on my Christmas wish list. Let's hope my boyfriend surprises me. :)

Some more pictures:

I also enjoyed the last part of the show where daring hairdos were presented. And I love the idea to dress the models into colourful theatre costumes.

After the official programme...

More photos from the fashion show can be find on my Flickr.
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