Few days ago, I FINALLY finished my 'Czech cake recipe project'.
The idea of the project first came to me last summer during my Danish course. Our class had one of those few fantastic relaxing lessons. Drinking coffee and eating home-made cakes and muffins, we shared our funny stories about Danes and life in Denmark.
I brought my favourite Czech chocolate cake that I baked. One of my classmades asked me for its recipe after the lessons and I promised her to send it via e-mal. Than I forgot (you know, we didn't go to the same class any more, new tasks appeared etc.). And then I suddenly remembered and felt very ashamed.
So I decided to send the recipe in a special way.

I draw it, prepared a few package with a secret magical ingredient that is essential for the whole recipe, packed it nicely and sent it. And because I love surprise as much as I love baking, I sent two more letters with the recipe. One went to France and the second one flew to Asia to cheer my friends living there.

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