I've got a lovely e-mail with an invitation from my friend Mia, a Swedish-Danish musician living in Berlin now. Although she explores intensively artists' life there, she is back in Denmark for a while and is going to perform together with the drummer Morten Skøtt and the storyteller Amalie Laulund Trudsø at the Nordisk Lyd og Poesifestival at the Jazzhouse in Cph.

[Mia Dyberg with Morten Skøtt]
The festival takes place on Wednesday 20th Nov at 20:00 in the Jazzhouse. There will be around nine musicians, writers, and poets. You can expect both sounds and different music styles such a jazz, folk, and electro-music blended with various poems and stories. And I can guarantee that some of the performances will be absolutely improvised.
When I went out to practise the Danish language last time, it was really 'spændende'*). One of my friends and I joined and enjoyed the 25th Copenhagen Pecha Kucha Nigt at Huset. And I was proud of myself that I could understand the most of the presentations. The only one I didn't get was a presentation of some photographer. She was so cute and brave while she was talking about her work, however her language was too sophisticated for my Danish basics. Well... We'll see, how it goes on Wednesday with poems...
*) exciting
You can find more information about the 'Nordic sound and poetry' festival HERE. But be careful it's in Danish. :)
Update: The festival is on Wed 20th and on Thu 21st. So that means almost twenty artists and two times more music and words.
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