Have you ever read Høeg's book Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow (in Danish: Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne)? No?! You should, especially if you're living in Copenhagen! It's fabulous!
This thrilling story takes place partly in winter Copenhagen and partly on an icebreaker heading to a small island close to the Greenlandic coast. The main character is 37-years-old Smilla Qaaviqaaq Jaspersen, an expert on snow and ice and the only child of an Danish scientist and an female Inuit hunter. She's a loner, but a very stubborn loner, who has no fear to investigate a mysterious death of the small Greenlandic boy Isaiah...

I really like the book. It's one of my favourite. I have already read it twice and I'm going to read it in Danish now. Wish me luck! It won't be easy.
And there is one more reason, why I'm writing about Miss Smilla. I was always fascinated with her job – a snow specialist. Isn't it cool, that someone knows that much about snow?
I recognise only two kinds of snow:
1) snow, you can use for building a snowman, and
2) snow, you can't use. :)
Anyway the book inspired me to study some snow and ice structures. I had great afternoon walking along the main canal in Copenhagen. I hope you will enjoy my new pictures.
Have a nice day and keep warm!

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