Do you already had any planes for the big Friday Culture Night (Kulturnatten) in Copenhagen? No?! Come to a CD release concert in JazzHouse!

Danish/Hungarian vocalist Kamilla Kovacs and Danish/Swedish saxophonist Mia Dyberg are releasing their brand new album called "Stories". The album is dedicated to the Capital of Germany, where both artists lived.

"After living in Berlin, we felt a need to express the moods, stories, and the special energy the city gives us. We have composed songs dedicated to different places and streets in Berlin that meant something special to us or inspired us. Among others there is a song to the Ghanaian pushers in Görlitzer Park (Kreuzberg) one to the lost love in Neukölln and improvisations dedicated to the ghostlike mood on Nalepastraße (Rummelsburg)", said Mia.
Where & When: JazzHouse, Friday 10th October 2014 at 23:00
Check out their Facebook event.

All pictures are from Kovacs & Dyberg's last concert in the Café Det Vide Hus